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coercion, n. /koʊˈərʃən/ Constraint, restraint, compulsion; the application of force to control the action of a voluntary agent.


Any physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, economic or other undue influence initiated against a person or persons, to force compliance without voluntary agreement.


Persuade, cooperate, or leave an unresolved outcome. Confronting those who coerce can be contentious. Refuse to be bullied or bothered by those who attempt to coerce you.

Non-coercion is...
  • the framework of understanding non-aggression between individuals, collectives, and the social institutions that profoundly touch all human lives.
Non-coercion recognizes...
  • the essential role of voluntary agreement in trusting between individuals, and between individuals and social institutions.
Non-coercion may be successfully employed...
  •  by those of any religion or of none, the Enlightened and Disinterested equally. It is the ultimate tool for maintaining a level societal playing field for all, not just the well connected and well off.
Non-coercion places the strongest emphasis on...
  • non-initiation of violence or undue influence, but it is not pacifist in nature.  It acknowledges a moral obligation to resist coercion with reasonable compulsion against an aggressor, wherever encountered. Reasonable compulsion is the permitted use of an appropriate level of force to defend or deflect prohibited coercion, aggression, or violence.
Non-coercion rejects...
  • self-proclaimed authority figures, and does not accept that our moral conscience or bodily integrity may be compromised by the expedient of collective representation or administrative fiat.
Non-coercion has no need...
  • to accept any donation or financial benefit for sharing this information. Use it freely for yourself, share it with others.

The glaring incongruity in all these efforts to produce "self-awareness" is that we have records of extraordinary human beings who, for thousands of years, all say roughly the same thing: the highest form of human self-awareness is the loss of sense of self in what can only be described as a universal realization, oceanic experience, etc.

  •  09/27/2024 09:17 AM

The question may arise in your mind about whether you should keep up with what is being done within the government, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and other hotbeds of ideology that spawn so much of the difficulties we must confront in our lives. You may wish to consider moving away from further investigations of this type for some pretty simple reasons.

  •  09/24/2024 08:42 AM

It is natural to look to the well-trained to provide guidance on complex topics. But you may be getting less than you thought.

  •  06/01/2024 03:31 PM

Understanding our present predicament hinges on understanding the toxic role coercion plays in our personal and cultural interactions.

  •  04/04/2024 11:11 PM

Compassion is nurtured in our heart when we see others' choices in a non-coercive light. By freeing them from coercion, we free ourselves.

  •  03/04/2024 03:50 PM

In understanding the separation of church and state, we see the danger of monopoly power as it plays out in secular and religious life.

  •  02/22/2024 04:20 PM

There is a fundamental and dangerous misunderstanding of the symbolism used in admonishing us to "turn the other cheek."

  •  10/11/2023 10:24 AM



  • Texas, USA