the framework of understanding non-aggression between individuals, collectives, and the social institutions that profoundly touch all human lives.
Non-coercion recognizes...
the essential role of voluntary agreement in trusting between individuals, and between individuals and social institutions.
Non-coercion may be successfully employed...
by those of any religion or of none, the Enlightened and Disinterested equally. It is the ultimate tool for maintaining a level societal playing field for all, not just the well connected and well off.
Non-coercion places the strongest emphasis on...
non-initiation of violence or undue influence, but it is not pacifist in nature. It acknowledges a moral obligation to resist coercion with reasonable compulsion against an aggressor, wherever encountered. Reasonable compulsion is the permitted use of an appropriate level of force to defend or deflect prohibited coercion, aggression, or violence.
Non-coercion rejects...
self-proclaimed authority figures, and does not accept that our moral conscience or bodily integrity may be compromised by the expedient of collective representation or administrative fiat.
Non-coercion has no need...
to accept any donation or financial benefit for sharing this information. Use it freely for yourself, share it with others.