The question may arise in your mind about whether you should keep up with what is being done within the government, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and other hotbeds of ideology that spawn so much of the difficulties we must confront in our lives. You may wish to consider moving away from further investigations of this type for some pretty simple reasons.
At this point, the adage, "If the government says it, consider it a lie," is a reasonable and historically supportable position. This isn't hyperbole, I believe it to be a useful shortcut and time/resource saver. There is no need to look more deeply into this issue. There is an overall agenda, and a willingness to achieve it at any cost. Honesty is way overrated for folks with such a distorted view of life.
Rather, consider spending that energy thinking about how you can make yourself as impervious as humanly possible to the insanity/corruption of others who are empowered by "law". Their outrages are just the logical result of human beings wanting to maximize their advantage, minus concern for others' welfare. We should do the same, but not neglect the legitimate needs of others.
The object is to thrive now as you prepare to survive later. There is much conflict today based on identifying or tagging which group(s) are the cause. It's the Islamists, it's the Jewish global cabal, it's the MIC, it's White supremacy, it's Black demands, it's the ultra wealthy, it's the illegal immigrants invading the US and Europe, and on and on. The obvious answer is, it is all of them.
And what do they all have in common? Back to coercion. Every single excess is committed by those who, consciously or unconsciously, are comfortable using coercion to achieve the satisfaction of their needs. If you could magically erase the ability to coerce others, NONE of those groups would be any more dangerous than a Book of the Month Club. Why can't we do that? Because an overwhelming majority of human beings are still at the stage of psychological fixation in putting their needs above all others' right to choose.
Coercion is merely the willingness to deprive you of the right to choose to lead your life as you wish, as long as you do the same for others. Couldn't be simpler. And it is self-perpetuating because when you have the hydrogen bomb of coercion, you won't bother with the feather whisk of gentle persuasion.
As long as coercion is allowed to define the limits of human behavior, there can be no flourishing of positive, cooperative effort because it simply takes more effort, thoughtfulness and ability to see the big picture to accomplish change without coercion.
“If a white man wants to lynch me, that's his problem. If he's got the power to lynch me, that's my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it's a question of power."
~ Stokely Carmichael